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Live Camera in Vehicles

Live Camera in Vehicles

        Bhipra GPS vehicle tracker devices can be conveniently and effectively installed and connected with high resolution live tracking cameras for use in buses and coaches to ensure live or updated visual data information to the tracking / monitoring station of the vehicle transportation company.

       At any given time, the tracking and monitoring person or the specialized monitoring and tracking station of the road transportation company that is located at a given location, be it a passenger coach or goods truck, can very easily and conveniently track, monitor and record the entire visual movement of the vehicle from point of departure to p oint of destination including the various transit departures and arrivals, enroute to the final destination.

       The Bhipra GPS tracker is synchronized with the special high resolution vehicle cameras for live viewing within the vehicle and outside the vehicle. A maximum of two cameras can be installed per vehicle, that is wither two cameras inside the vehicle or one inside the vehicle and one outside the vehicle. In this way, the tracking and monitoring station can acquire a comprehensive view of the vehicle and this includes its passengers on the inside of the vehicle well as the drivers view, that is when the camera is installed to monitor the front road and the immediate surroundings. This is an effective security measure against vehicle thefts and passenger abductions.